*Remember that time you walked out…


Remember that time you walked out of an unsatisfying job? Remember how those big front doors slammed shut behind you and you breathed the fresh air and felt the sun caress your face, and you felt completely free! Light! You could almost fly! Remember it?

Remember that time you walked away from a deeply abusive relationship after decades of confusion and pain? Remember how it felt when you took charge of your life at that moment and just said “no more!” How free you felt, even as you walked away trembling and shaky in your body! But boy did you feel free! “Don’t look back,” you said to yourself and you never did! How beautiful and exhilarating that moment was! Remember it?

Live that moment again! Live it today! Live that freedom in this moment and you don’t even have to walk away from anything or anyone! You can live that freedom everyday! Just decide to and it will be so! That’s how free we truly are! Know it, own it and you will come alive again, once and for all!

Be free, be who you truly are meant to be! Aah, glorious!


Photography by Mary Bogdan.
Copyright 2009-2024. Mary Wanderlust.

4 thoughts on “*Remember that time you walked out…

    1. Thank you, Susana, I so appreciate your comments here, always delightful! ❤️ Thank you, once again, I’m so enjoying reading your latest book: Insights! It’s my bedtime read, but I enjoy it first thing in the morning too! Happy Days! 🍄

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  1. Thank you soooo much, Mary, for your kind words of appreciation. I am glad you are enjoying Insights. I always do; it inspires me and delights me in unexplainable ways 😶🙃🙏💫 Light be always with you, my friend 🙏 💫

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