*I live in this moment of possibility!


Blue sky, large white clouds, I’m transported to the aether! This is my home! I belong here, all things are possible here as I lift myself from the earth’s grounding force, from all that goes on on the earth level, all sorts of calamities and catastrophes! But up here in the aether, there is pure life, pure sunlight, pure air and all is heavenly! I dream of being the invisible aetheric essence of the sky, browsing by the cloud formations, creating images in their forms! I am creator here in the heavens way up above the earth’s atmosphere; up above this earth where so much fighting and struggle and sickness abound, but here in the deep blue, clear sky I can see forever and ever!

Take me beyond what is possible here on the ground and transport me to the great beyond where all things are possible! I live in this moment of possibility!


Photography by Mary Bogdan.
Copyright 2009-2024. Mary Wanderlust.

4 thoughts on “*I live in this moment of possibility!

  1. This is so beautiful, Mary!! I am going up with you!! How magnificent is to live in the moment of possibility?! It’s everything… Thank you for sharing these beautiful words and experiences of yours; somehow they become my own!!
    And thank you so much for the wonderful review you left for my book on Amazon. Words cannot describe the gratitude I feel in my heart… Thank you for all your support! Infinite blessings and light to you, my friend*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, my feet have not touched ground yet, I read your beautiful words in the early hours of the night and they touched me so deeply. They left me speechless! It is I who must be thanking you for your great contribution. Your book is spectacular, and I read it daily! So heart-warming, loving and it stretches our consciousness to places outside of the world-realm!

      Dear friend, you have touched me deeply! In great appreciate and love, I send you blessings as well! Do you feel it? 🌀

      Liked by 1 person

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